We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program Wav
AP Ordering Help. Creating and Maintaining an Account. TroubleshootingContact Information. Ordering Exam Materials. Exam Fees. Returning and Paying for Exams. Late Testing. Shipping. Score Reporting Services. Services for Students with Disabilities SSDSpecific Exam Information. Creating and Maintaining an Account. Where do I find my access code AP Exam Ordering access codes are emailed in January to all AP coordinators who submitted their annual AP Participation Forms in the fall. Final-Oscar-Cover.jpg' alt='We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program Wav' title='We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program Wav' />If you do not receive this email, contact AP Services for Educators. If you ordered AP Exams in 2. AP Exam Ordering access code is the same as it was in 2. How do I change or update my account or school informationRead the revised Choosing A School Guide with valuable information to help you make the best decision on where to use your GI BIll benefits. Learn more. Who should I contact if I have a question about the website If you have comments or questions about the website, please fill out our online form by selecting the. If youre flying anywhere for the Labor Day holiday, nows the time to book. Prices are only going to go up. To change your schools shipping or billing address, call AP Services for Educators. To update other school information such as AP coordinator name, phone number, etc., click Update School Information in the Your Info box on the upper right side of the AP Exam Ordering web pages. To change your personal information, such as username or password, click the Update Personal Information button on the upper right side of the AP Exam Ordering web pages. Back to Table of Contents. TroubleshootingContact Information. Which web browser should I use for the AP Exam Ordering website This website can best be viewed using the browsers listed below. Note that the AP Exam Ordering website is not optimized for mobile devices. City Building Games Online Hacked Plants. If you dont use a recommended browser, the pages may not display properly. Do not use beta versions of these browsers use only the final versions. We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program Wav' title='We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program Wav' />Here are the recommended browsers and links to websites where you can download them Back to Table of Contents. Who should I contact if I need assistance with my exam order For assistance with your exam order, contact AP Services for Educators Email apexamsinfo. Telephone 8. United States and Canada or 2. TTY 6. 09 8. 82 4. Fax 6. 10 2. 90 8. Mail AP Services P. O. Box 6. 67. 1 Princeton, NJ 0. Who should I contact if I have a question about the websiteIf you have comments or questions about the website, please fill out our online form by selecting the Contact Us button on the left side of any page. Back to Table of Contents. Ordering Exam Materials. How do I place an order Before you begin, consult with AP teachers and students to determine the number of exams that need to be ordered for each AP course at your school. You also need to confirm the total number of students and the total number of AP Exams, if any, that qualify for 2. When you sign in to the AP Exam Ordering website, you will first be asked to review important AP Exam administration policies before proceeding. When you are done, click Proceed to Order AP Exams in the lower right corner. After clicking Proceed to Order AP Exams, you will be asked to enter your schools enrollment data. Enrollment data are used on various online AP score reports, such as the AP Equity and Excellence Report, which helps your school gauge the extent to which your AP program is providing equitable and successful AP experiences to your students. In order to calculate the percentages for this score report, we need you to report the total numbers of 1. These totals should include all students in your school, not just AP students. If you decide not to provide your enrollment totals, the corresponding fields on your schools AP Equity and Excellence Report will be left blank. If you do not provide the enrollment data when you first log in, you may enter the data at any time during the ordering period by clicking the Enter Enrollment Data link on the AP Exam Ordering menu. Upon entering your schools enrollment data or choosing not to submit, you will be asked to indicate if any of your AP students qualify for fee reductions for low income students. Upon selecting Yes and Submit, you will then be asked to enter in the number of students and exams eligible for the College Board fee reduction. After submitting your fee reductions, or choosing not to submit, click CreateUpdate AP Exam Order on the AP Exam Ordering home page. If you wish to receive materials for a preadministration session, select Yes in the Order Preadministration Materials area near the top of the Order AP Exams page. See also What is a preadministration sessionNext, enter the number of exams your school will administer for each AP subject. If your school ordered AP Exams last year, this page also shows the number of exams ordered last year versus the number of exams that were actually used. Note Schools are charged an unused exam fee for each exam that is ordered but not used. If you would prefer to see the AP Exams listed by date of exam, or grouped by academic disciplines, you can use the Sort by menu. At the bottom of the page, enter the actual number of students who will take the exams you are ordering. Be sure to include students testing with alternate exams andor taking AP Studio Art Exams, braille exams, multiple day testing exams, andor 1. Make sure to count students taking multiple exams only once. Important This number determines how many AP Student Packs your school will receive. Each AP Student Pack contains a set of unique AP number labels that a student will affix to his or her exam materials. A student should receive only one AP Student Pack regardless of the number of exams he or she is taking. For French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture exams Spanish Literature and Culture exams and Music Theory exams Each schools order for these exams includes master CDs as follows. French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture one master CD for Section I listening and a double CD set containing one master CD for writing, and a separate master CD for speaking. Spanish Literature and Culture one master CD for Section I listening. Music Theory one master CD for Section IA and IIA listening and one master CD for Section IIB sight singing. Thanks to a partnership between Apple and PayPal you can finally put all the money youve got in your account to good use. The two companies have announced a. You will need to order additional master listening CDs or master writingspeaking double CD sets if You plan to administer the speaking or sight singing parts of the exams in multiple rooms at one location. You have students with disabilities who have been approved for extended time and will require separate testing rooms. You should order one set of master CDs for each student testing with extended time. See Services for Students with Disabilities SSD for more information about testing accommodations. When you place your initial exam order online, you may request One additional master writingspeaking CD set or sight singing CD for every 4 exams ordered. One additional master listening CD for every 1. If your initial order has already been processed or if more master CDs are needed to facilitate the exam administration, please contact AP Services for Educators. Review your order and click the checkbox indicating you have reviewed your order. If you submit an order of more than 1. The split shipment return option enables schools to return all of their first weeks AP Exam materials at the beginning of the second week of testing, rather than storing the exams for the entire two weeks of testing. If you order fewer than 1. Cumulative Order. OPTIONAL Click Order Late Testing Exams to order alternate exams for late testing. OPTIONAL Click Order Score Labels and Free Response Booklets to order AP score labels or free response booklets for your school. What are the exam ordering deadlines Exam Ordering Deadlines. Schools in the United States, U.