Life Today Study Bible Gospels Edition Programs


The Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, tell the story of the life of Jesus. Yet only onethe Gospel of Johnclaims to be an eyewitness account. NEW EVANGELIZATION EDITION. Christ Our Life Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life. SCHOOL EDITION S CTeachers H O O L E DGuide ITION. There are six very good reasons why you should study Bible prophecy. Join Nathan Jones of Lamb Lion Ministries as he explains why its so important that we. This free bible lesson is the character study guide on the life of Joseph in Old testament. It offers overview of Life of Joseph, His early years, his life as a slave. GoBible. org Kindle Edition. Read the GoBible studies on your Amazon Kindle. Your subscription includes wireless delivery of the Bible Study of the Week via. Five hundred years later, we still feel the effects of Luthers life and labor. Pastors today can learn from his devotion to the church and his rigorous, heartfelt. Videos Lanier Theological Library. Most of these previous lectures are available on DVDs for 5 each upon request. More information here. Lecture by Tremper Longman III September 1. God is a Warrior Coming to Terms with Divine Violence in the Old TestamentEspecially since 91. Christians in the West have been sensitive to descriptions of God acting violently toward his human creatures. Many contemporary Christians find the stories of Noahs flood, the conquest of Jericho, and other similar accounts of divine violence disturbing. Gods command to completely annihilate herem the Canaanites troubles many. Reactions to these descriptions have led many scholars today Enns and Siebert in particular to provide other explanations or to suggest that the picture of God we get in the Old Testament is out of keeping with the ethics of Jesus. They, therefore, conclude that the God of the text is not the same as the real God. Over against these viewpoints, this lecture shows how the Bible, Old and New Testaments, provide a coherent picture of Gods fight against evil from the Fall until the Consummation. Lectures by James Charlesworth Lee Mc. Donald March 4, 2. HOW THE BIBLE CAME INTO BEINGCharlesworth The Theological Value of the Rejected Texts and Dead Sea Scrolls for Understanding Jesus  This lecture will challenge the assumption that the books of the so called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha are of no value or that they are false and heretical. Such a jaundiced view fails to see their value, even if excluded from most Christian Bibles. Some of these books were sacred for communities of faith and they shed important light on the theology and interpretation being explored and debated among Jews and Christians at the end of the Second Temple period. This lecture will help us understand that these books are of great importance in our study of this world changing period. Mc. Donald Why and When Was Scripture Written Looking at the New Testament Writings  This lecture will explore the factors involved in the development of the biblical canon. To appreciate this development with nuance, it is necessary to inquire into the motivations for the writing of the books that in time were recognized as authoritative and canonical, as well as the writing of the books that in time were not recognized by the majority as authoritative. It is also important to consider when and how these decisions were made, with regard to both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Conferencia en Espaol por Miguel Nez 8 de abril de 2. Life Today Study Bible Gospels Edition Programs' title='Life Today Study Bible Gospels Edition Programs' />Study Bibles are an excellent aid for the real life application of the written word. There are study Bibles for the concordance of Holy Scripture, the Navarre Bible. Lecture in Spanish by Miguel Nez April 8, 2. Viviendo con Sabidura e IntegridadNuestra sociedad se encuentra en crisis a todos los niveles. Los ncleos familiares estn cada vez mas fracturados. Las economas estn dbiles o en bancarrotas. La sociedad parece no tener la base moral que la sostenga. Las relaciones estn caracterizadas por la traicin. No hay respeto por la dignidad de la vida ni siquiera la de los mas indefensos, y la estabilidad poltica ha desaparecido de las naciones. Al final de la historia hay una sola razn no hay temor de Dios, y como consecuencia, la gente estn viviendo una crisis de integridad debido a su falta de sabidura al caminar. Bratz 4 Real Free Download Game. Vengamos y reflexionemos juntos en medio de la crisis para encontrar luz en medio de la oscuridad. Living with Wisdom and IntegrityOur society is in crisis at every level. The families are increasingly fractured. The economies are weak or in bankruptcy. The society seems to have no moral basis to sustain itself. The relationships are characterized by treason. There is no respect for the dignity of the human being, even for the weakest of us, and the political stability of the nations has disappeared. At the end of the story there is one reason There is no fear of God, and as a result, people are living a crisis of integrity due to their lack of wisdom to walk in life. Come and let us reason together in the midst of the current crisis to find light in the darkness. Lecture by N. T. Wright March 2. Discerning the Dawn Knowing God in the New CreationTraditional natural theology tries to start from the observed world and reason its way to the Christian God, but centuries of natural and social disaster have undermined this optimism. In this lecture, N. T. Wright discusses how the Christian gospel of new creation through the death and resurrection of Jesus offers a more biblical account, in which the great questions asked by all human societies justice, spirituality, relationships, beauty, freedom and truth can be seen in retrospect to be the right questions to which the new creation is giving the fresh answer. This has immediate relevance not only for theology, but for such diverse fields as the relationship of Christianity to scientific endeavor on the one hand and political engagement on the other. Lecture by Robert Willis February 2. Singing and Making Melody to the Lord An Exploration of the Development and Place of Hymns in the History of the Christian ChurchRobert Willis is an Anglican priest, theologian, chaplain, music composer, and 3. Dean of Canterbury. In his lecture, he explains why we sing hymns and discusses the origin of the different forms of hymn singing. Willis has written many hymns and is uniquely qualified to present this lecture on hymnology. He uses a piano in his presentation. Lecture by Alister Mc. Grath February 4, 2. The Big Questions Richard Dawkins Versus C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of LifeA night from Oxford Alister Mc. Grath holds three doctorates from Oxford in molecular biophysics, theology and intellectual history. He has debated the 2. Oxfordian Richard Dawkins, and published on the 2. Oxford Don, C. S. Lewis. In this lecture Mc. Grath dissects the thinking of these two scholars and analyzes their approaches to the meaning of life under both the atheist and the Christian worldview. Lecture by Michael Card  October 2. Four Portraits of JesusThe New Testament begins with the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each was written by a different author to a different readership initially, but now we can read all four and compare them carefully. This lecture examines the nuances between the four as each gives a portrait of Jesus. Each portrait relates to the uniqueness of the author and the life situation to which it was written. This lecture shows that these portraits are part of the perfection of the Scriptures. Lecture by Larry Hurtado  September 1. A New and Mischievous Superstition Early Christianity in the Roman WorldIn the Roman world in which Christianity first emerged it was viewed as different and dangerous. And Christianity was distinctive. Christians were called atheists and regarded as impious, because they refused to worship the traditional gods. Unlike other religious groups of the day, they had no shrines, altars, images or priests. Reading and disseminating texts were central activities. Early Christianity comprised a new kind of religious identity that wasnt tied to ethnicity. Unlike traditional Roman era religion, Christianity also made ethics central. But, ironically, all these things that made early Christianity distinctive, even odd, in the ancient Roman world, have become commonplace assumptions about religion for us. This lecture addresses our cultural amnesia, showing how early Christianity helped to challenge the ancient world and helped to shape our world. Lecture by Simon Gathercole  May 7, 2.