12 Week Intermediate Workout Program
Are you looking for a 12 week weight lifting program Try this program complete with weight lifting program and dietsupplement schedule. Intermediate Workout Plan If you can do 10 good pushups and 3 good pullups then this workout is appropriate for you, otherwise, stick with the beginning wo. Get the latest comprehensive workout programs for intermediate bodybuilders right here. Our forum members also explain the differences between the different levels. Week Weight Lifting Program. DESCRIPTIONWelcome to Building Muscle 1. What Can Building Muscle 1. Custom Services Do For You Are you tired of floating around from program to program and never really achieving any resultsAre you a confused and just dont know where to begin Let me design you a complete program designed to achieve your goals Here are just some of the results In just TWO short months, Cory Miller lost 4. POUNDS and gained 4. Click Here To Find Out Mike a seasoned weight trainer gained over 5. Click Here To Find Out Testimonials from our satisfied clients Click Here. Has your current weight training routine gone staleAre you looking for a weight lifting program that can get you back on the road to muscle growth Well, if your looking for something in a weight training routine, I may have what your looking for. Week Intermediate Workout Program' title='12 Week Intermediate Workout Program' />This weight training routine is an intermediate to advanced workout that will add additional intensity to your current training regiment. This is an intense 1. I have to warn you though, its a tough weight training routine and should not be attempted by beginners. Trinewbies online training programs 18 Week Half Ironman Intermediate 1. Mile Swim 56 Mile Bike 13. Mile Run. How to Exercise. This wikiHow will teach you how to exercise. Put on some breathable clothes and shoes made for exercise to get started. Wear the right clothes. You. The program is designed to add some quality lean muscle to your frame. What youll find here is a 1. Click here for a printable version of this workout Ive decided to give the average weight trainer a program that you can simply follow. Half Marathon Training Guide Intermediate Program. THE SCHEDULE BELOW IS FOR EXPERIENCED RUNNERS individuals who have left their Novice roots behind and who want. The 1. 2 week program is an intermediate to advanced weight training program that is designed to build lean muscle. If you follow the program and its suggest meal and supplement schedule, I can almost promise to you that you will add some beef to your body. With that being said, all I can say is that you have to take this 1. This program only works if your serious about making awesome gains. If you have the will to add lean muscle mass and want to work hard for it, than follow this program. The weight training routine is divided into 2 sections, the first section is the actual weight lifting program and the second section is the menu. You cannot have one without the other. If you want to add slabs of quality beef to your frame, you have to train hard and heavy and eat a lot of quality nutrients No getting around this. Now, you dont have to follow the menu section to a tee. Its meant to act as a guide and you can add or delete certain foods that you enjoy. Just remember that you cant have any junk. All of your foods have to be clean and you must eat at least 6 meals per day. Yes, you have to eat 6 meals per day. Week Intermediate Workout Program' title='12 Week Intermediate Workout Program' />You will ensure optimal growth this way. The routine is designed to get you strong. Week Intermediate Workout Program' title='12 Week Intermediate Workout Program' />Ive designed the weight lifting routine that allows for maximum rest in between workouts thereby allowing for optimal muscle recovery and growth. Dont worry about training each body part two times per week. If you hit them hard in the workout, it will take a full week of recovery to hit them hard again. Trust me, once a week is plenty. The rep range is kept low for a reason. Its meant to build up to your working sets without expending all of your energy. You need heavy reps between the 6 and 8 range to get strong and grow. Except for isolation exercises, this will be your rep range. Now, I strongly suggest that you strive and increase your weight when you can. But, only increase your rep range when you can do at least 8 reps on your final work set. For example, lets say last week, I was able to only get 6 reps out with 1. This week however, I did the same 1. Therefore, I would increase my weight to 5 to 1. I increased it by 5. The key is to keep striving to beat your last workout by performing more reps on your last work set. A word of caution Always use the correct form and technique. The real key to getting big and strong is to perform each exercise correctly. There will be an illustration with each exercise. This program uses super sets for arms. I strongly suggest you use the routine outlined below. Super sets allows you to work two opposing muscles using different exercises. Super sets are designed to increase the intensity of your training routine by allowing for minimum rest between exercises. An example of super setting is alternating biceps curls with triceps push downs with minimum rest between exercises. Trust me, it will pump your arms up to the max. Remember, as soon as you finish the first set, you will do the other exercise with minimal rest. Use this technique in your program to stimulate more muscle growth. I also strongly suggest you use a weight training log. Its very important that you keep track of your progress and believe me, it can really help you improve. Visual Novel Little Busters Ex'>Visual Novel Little Busters Ex. You can find a printable version of this workout in chart form here you can add your own notes or you can find weight lifting logs and charts here. Alright, lets take a look at the 1. The training schedule for this routine is as follows Day 1. Chest Arms Abs. Day 2. Legs Day 3. Rest. Day 4. Back and Shoulders. Day 5. Rest. Day 6 Rest Cardio Optional Day 7 Repeat. Day 1 Monday. Chest, Arms, and Abs 5 minutes on the exercise bike to warm up Chest Bench Press Warm up 1 x 2. Set 1 1 x 8 reps 5. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 6 reps 8. Incline Barbell Press Set 1 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 3 1 x 6 reps 8. Set 4 1 x 6 reps 8. Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 2 reps 6. Arms The next set of exercises use super sets. As soon as you finish one set on the first exercise, immediately proceed to the corresoponding exercise. For example, as soon as I complete the first set of 8 with the barbell curl, Ill immediately head over and perform a set of 8 with the close grip bench press. That is one super set. Super set 1 Standing Barbell Curl Warm up 1 x 1. Set 1 1 x 8 reps Set 2 1 x 8 reps Set 3 1 x 8 reps Set 4 1 x 6 8 reps. Supersetted with. Close Grip Bench Press Warm up 1 x 1. Set 1 1 x 8 reps Set 2 1 x 8 reps Set 3 1 x 8 reps Set 4 1 x 6 8 reps Super set 2. Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps Set 3 1 x 8 reps. Super set with. Standing Cable Press Down Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps Set 3 1 x 8 reps Super set 3. Download Software Batch Xlsx To Xls Converter Key. Preacher Curl 3 x 1. Super set with Overhead Barbell Extension 3 x 1. Abs Incline Sit Up 4 x 1. Day 2 Tuesday. Quadriceps Squats. Warm up 2 x 2. 0 reps Set 1 1 x 8 reps 5. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 6 8 reps 8. Leg Press Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 8 reps 8. Leg Extension Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 2 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 1. 2 reps 6. What you want to do here is totally flush your quadriceps with blood. Really concentrate hard on the movement. The reps should be slow and smooth with no bouncing. Really Squeeze at the top part of the movement. Hamstrings Leg Curl Warm up 1 x 2. Set 1 1 x 1. 2 reps 5. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 6 to 8 reps 8. Stiff Legged Deadlift Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 1. 0 reps 6. Calves Standing Calf Raise 5 x 1. Day 3 Wednesday Rest Day 4 Thursday Back and Shoulders. Back Lat Machine Pull Down Warm up 1 x 1. Set 1 1 x 1. 2 Reps 6. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps 7. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Barbell Bent Over Row Set 1 1 x 8 reps 5. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 7 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 6 reps 8. Seated Cable Row Set 1 1 x 1. Set 2 1 x 1. 0 reps 7. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 8. Set 4 1 x 8 reps 9. Shoulders Seated Barbell Press Warm up 1 x 2. Set 1 1 x 8 reps 5. Set 2 1 x 8 reps 6. Set 3 1 x 8 reps 7. Set 4 1 x 6 8 reps 8. Seated Dumbell Press 1 x 8 reps 6.